Tolkien, J. R. R. (1997). The Hobbit: Or There and Back and Again. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Sixtieth Anniversary Edition, with Illustrations by Alan Lee.
The designers of video games must have read The Hobbit. Almost like the Legend of Zelda, this masterpiece leads the reader through a series of adventures—one after another—climaxing with the slaying of the dragon, who had hoarded Hobbit treasure deep in his fiery cave. Along the way, Bilbo Baggins becomes a stronger, braver, and wiser Hobbit. Ultimately, he becomes the cornerstone of the tales that actually followed, in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
The Hobbit has always been considered a masterpiece; but now, with the making of the long-anticipated movie, one should be especially eager to read this treasure.
Type the words “Hobbit Movie” into a Google search; and check out all of the movie buzz.
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